yuuuhuuu, it's SUNDAY (again?) !


 everybody loves Sunday. but not me. i hate it. why??? me and my siblings are forced to go for karate practice, which i hate, every Sunday. it is important to learn martial arts for my dad. NOT FOR ME . i hate being forced . i sometimes still find karate useful and fun without my father's force .

as i am now in Malaysia, far away from home and my karate-freak father, i do not need to go for karate practice. HAHAHA . so i spend few hours of every Sunday at church and the remaining hours at home. how i love being apart from home (Indo) :D LOL !

today's pastor was soooooo, what word is suitable to describe him?? hyperactive might be appropriate . he was kinda weird . but the message really lift me up.

"GOD might give you a cactus and a catterpilar when you ask for a flower and a butterfly. You might get too disappointed that you throw them before seeing them transform into the most beautiful thing that GOD has given you. just at the right time, the cactus will grow beautiful flowers and the catterpillar will transform into a lovely butterfly."

well i may be down for now. i failed again and again as if there is no end to it . i ask LORD 'why me??' 
what i'm supposed to say is 'TRY ME !' 

what i'm getting right now is just the beginning, the cactus and the catterpillar.
be patient in waiting and give some effort . later on i can just enjoy the beauty of the flower and the butterfly. The best part is yet to come . STRIVE ! :D 

*i actually do not hate SUNDAYs (i still hate SUNDAYs with karate practice)*
today is my last holiday . i'm starting my second smester tmr ! so excited xD

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above all, i still have YOU :)


you know how it feels like being left behind, having no one to turn to, feeling so down, as if everybody is turning their ass off you. well, actually that's not exactly how i feel rite now. but some part of them is taking my good mood away from me !

almost all of the girls have experienced this dirty little thing i'm sure: "BROKEN HEART".
some do crazy things because of this. some just can't bear it that they disappear from the society. i find that stupid . that's before i fell in LOVE .

frankly speaking, overcoming a BROKEN HEART is not that easy i can tell. i know it's been like one, two, three months after he left. forgetting is hard you know. it just stuck inside my head, never wanting to go away. i'm supposed to get rid of him . it's been three months and he has even get another girl 20 days after we broke up. i'm getting freaked out now i'm counting days and dates and pointing out occassions one by one ><

some things just remind me of him such as his new girlfriend. her happy face just reminds me of him . how he made ppl happy including me :D how great you feel when you are being LOVED

the harder i try to forget, the more it stick in my memory. the key to forget is: never try to forget i guess . doing things that i love will just cast away the bittersweet memory of us .

music is where i run to . when nobody hears me crying, the music expresses it in a beautiful way . nothing i do will be a waste, even my teardrops . i sing songs, i compose songs, i play songs. how i love music more than anything .
HAHAHAHHA i love TAYLOR SWIFT at this point ! her songs just relate with me so deeply :D

exercising can be my another escape . but yesterday's excercise (walking from TMnet to my apartment) was not a lovely one. i play basketball usually . though my height doesn't support me to play basketball . HEHE ==

well well, i'm trying to transform my sadness into music . to make things short, i should get rid of him and move on cause GOD is preparing the best for me out there. if it's not through him, it must be through someone else. above all, i have my family and friends who love me for who i am . no matter how many bowls of rice i eat, how crazy and stupid i am, how loud i sing in the bathroom. they've always supported me in every decisions that i make. i thank GOD for giving them. i can't ask for more.

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christina aguilera's reflection


another video of me :D the quality is not so good TT anyway, enjoy !

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GOD answered my prayer


GOD had always answered my prayer . for several days i hv failed to exercise (like playing basketball) because of personal reason (like waiting for the refrigerator delivery) . i asked God to let me exercise at least today or tomorrow AND HE ANSWERED IT . me and Vivi were going AGAIN to TMnet to pay our 3 months internet bill, hoping that the office won't be CLOSED like ysterday. ignoring the fact that today is Saturday, we walked to the bus stop at 12.25. we waited and waited and waited and waited and WAITED for 45 minutes and finally, the bus appear ! wew~ what an exhaustment to wait 45 minutes for a bus. around 5 minutes later, we arrived at TMnet and walk towards the office confidently :D 


<--- i felt like killing myself when i see this sign on the door !!!!!!!!!

we were crawling back to the bus stop then blame each other for forgetting that today is not a working day. that we did not pay attention, we missed the bus . rather than waiting for an hour to get on the next bus, i decided to walk. agreed with a forced nod by Vivi xD fyi, the shuttle buses on weekends come every 1 hour . it's not funny, really ! our apartment is about 4 kilometre from TMnet . i felt like sun tanning . 

all of a sudden , i heard someone calling my name . i ignored him . unexpectedly, it was KhengWei :D he was in the car with some of his friend. ooo ooow, i was caught lost 4km away from home with Vivi and her blue umbrella.

KhengWei: "hv you had your lunch?"
me: "we are going home."
KhengWei: "Ohh, ok!"

hahahahhaa . i laughed all the way home . i just can't imagine if i find my friend on their way home from TMnet :D LOL LOL !

1 hour later, we arrived home . thinking positively, we hv burnt our fats . i hv done some excersice . GOD answered my prayer .

i'm starving . it's freaking HOTTT !

i feel like going into the refigerator . but i don't even hv one . still waiting for the delivery man to deliver it .

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nothing else to do except sitting down in front of my compie or keyboard or juz to stare at dancing Vivi == BORING ! i woke so early today ! i mean it's the earliest since i arrive Malaysia 5 days ago. after taking bath and whatsoever, me and Vivi decided to pay our 3 months of internet bill that hv the total amount of 330 RM (about Rp. 900,000). we were scared that the TMnet's staff will scold us for not paying the bill for 3 months :D the shuttle bus arrived as soon as we reached the bus stop. actually today is a public holiday but ke-sotoy-an kita said that TMnet pasti buka !

jadi abis nyampe TMnet itu, trus ga lebih dari 3 menit, kita balik lagi k bus stop . stated clearly, the TMnet's office is CLOSED . huff~ T____T vivi menghibur gw "udah anggep aja bakar lemak, olahraga pagi!" saya ga terima vi !!! lemak gw terbakar sia2 *loh?*

sesudah pembakaran lemak sia2, starting from that second onwards, the day become so BORING ! kyaknya sih udh biasa kalo ppl whine for their BORING days . but this is really not an ordinary BORING day .
lagi2 kegiatan gw di batalkan oleh abang (yg ga tau bakal indihe ato apa) yg bakal nganter kulkas yg kmaren gw dan tmen2 serumah baru beli. cieee kulkas baruuu . tapi gara2 nungguin abang kulkas, rencana mau pergi ke Alamanda pun batal . Vivi yg lagi ngidam Nando's pun harus menahan kengidamannya akan ayam suntikan itu.

BORING ! nunggu di rumah, lalu baru inget gw bawa bola basket dari indo.
gw: "ah mau maen basket ah."
tiffany: "mendung loh, Dong." <- nama panggilan apartment gw Dong dari Brendong. sumpah jelek
gw: "ah mknya gw mau maen skrg biar ga keburu ujan . kan enak ga panas juga."
angin: "whooossss..... ujan ah... "
langsung ujan and my plan to play basketball FAILED !!

jadi gw seharian cuman duduk maen keyboard sambil nyanyi mata kejep2 nyanyi sendiri ngantuk sendiri saking bt nya sampe tulis blog aja !

so this is it, i will get through my boring day and start another boring day tmr.

PS: please abang kulkas, please .

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temen2 gw bacot


ralat buat kmaren punya post, ada kursi yg lebih bagus di rumah gw . yaitu adalah kursi bos gtu buat duduk di meja komputer. ini akibat temen2 gw yg bacot nih jadi gw harus meralat ini kalo ngga gw akan di protest sama sekampung cyber (including negro2 dan org iran yg agak garang). HUH .

jadi pertama2 nya, hari ini dimulai pada jam stgh 12 siang . Edo dan Vivian dtg k rumah eh apartment gw deh. ATTENTION! Vivi dan Vivian are two different person! Vivi tu roommate gw . Vivian itu temennya satu kelas nya Vivi dan gw pun jadi kenal sama si Vivian . Dan Edo adalah senior gw yg galak2 gituu . ih gw sih ga pgn masukin nama dia kesini. tapi dy ngancem *bisik2*. HAHAHAHAHHA . (tersenyum dgn bangga)

oya back to business, gw baru bgun tadi stgh 12 gara2 Edo dan Vivian dtg k rumah ngajakin makan . i'm so sorry but gw baru beli kompor ya kan kmaren. jadi, mau gaya gtu mau masak deh . Edo dan Vivian yang bacot masih membujuk gw untuk makan di bawah (oh, shit). tapi gw berpendirian kekeuh tidak akan goyah dan akan masak di rumah !

Edo dan Vivian yang pasrah pergi turun beli makan di Eastwest. hahaha ketemu deh sama si penjual bloon yg ga bs ngmng inggris nor chinese nor bahasa malay trus ga bs ngitung lg. lebay sih itu .

udah kelar makan, Edo pamer hp baru nya. hape nya si Fatiha gileee . Fatiha itu restoran di bawah apartment gw jga yg ringtone nya jelek bgt . Dasar emg si Edo bangga bgt hp nya kembaran sm Fatiha. Trus komen mulu dy ttg blog baru kuuu . dari judulnya sampe isinya . ckckckckc . temen2 gw bacot.

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another usual day of mine


tau lah kalian2 yg udah ngerasain stay apart from home . huff~ when you get troubles, you feel like going home in a blink of an eye.
gw baru beli kompor dan kulkas tadi. setelah 1 semester hidup tanpa kulkas dan kompor, akhirnya bersiasat beli jg. bangku di apartment tetep aja ga di upgrade2 . yg paling bagus di rumah tu cuman kursi bakso doang . kalo ada yg mau sumbang, saya terima dgn lapang dada .

And today, i bought cereals, oats for breakfast for the first time xD pergi k TESCO tadi(macem Makro nya Indo kali ya?) sama Tiffany, Vivi, Shella dan tak terlupakan saya sendiri juga ikut . dgn naik bus U429 disambung U43, sampailah di Tesco Puchong. Nunggu bus U43 nya sih lama sampe foto2 dan kenalan sama abang2 brewok xD

Pulang dari TESCO, pas lagi nunggu taksi, dikejer2 sama ngkong2 yg ngemis gt. agak takut sih mungkin gw diliat lagi bawa quacker oats gt jadi dy pgn minta. Vivi si roommate gw yg lemot tapi baik hati, menyerahkan beberapa lembar ringgit untuk si ngkong trs ngmng dlm ati (gw ga tau bener apa ga tapi asumsi): "Nih kong gw kasih beberapa ringgit siapa tau bisa beli kursi bakso kaya di apartment gw jadi ngemis nya bs sambil duduk gitu agak santai."

Udah dikejer sama si ngkong yg ngmng chinese (liat tu pengemis di malaysia aja bs ngmng CHINESE!), sampailah dengan sehat walafiat ke taksi yg ternyata supirnya org Jakarta jg ! oh no dia ngerti bahasa indonesia. too bad, ga bs diomongin . yaudahlah ngomongin org laen aja kita di mobil . semua teler di mobil untung kita ga di culik abangnya lumayan baik biarpun mahal banget kena 30RM ! oh abang, belom saya kedipin sih !

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be strong acoustic

 Delta Goodrem is just another diva that i LOVE . This beautiful song is hers .

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bleeding love acoustic


So this is my first video :D made during the 3 months super crazy long holiday . Other than gaining weight, i made this too . ENJOY ! I LOVE LEONA LEWIS <3


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tattoo acoustic


and this is my second video after 'bleeding love' . i was actually inspired by jordin spark's 'tattoo in bleeding love' acoustic .

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